Lindsey and Alice - Oakland, CA

September, 2017.

Photos: Nikki Ritcher Photography / Venue: Vessel Art Gallery / Flowers: Gorgeous and Green.


Lindsey and Alice never thought that they would be dealing with 90-degree weather, wrestling large industrial fans, and running out of ice when they booked the Vessel Gallery in Oakland for their September wedding, but that's exactly what happened. The Bay Area had reached record-breaking temperatures the whole week leading up to their wedding day and so an open-air art gallery in downtown Oakland turned quickly from a refreshing venue to one that could have become stiflingly hot. Luckily, these brides were so flexible and up to the challenge of adapting to the circumstances that the hot weather barely affected them. I love the incredibly different dresses that they both wore that were gorgeous in their own ways. Each had beautiful (and complementary) details: Alice's dress appears slightly conservative in front until you see the sheer lace at her waist and the stunning exposed back, while Lindsey's dress is a low-cut sweetheart strapless dress that is beautifully accentuated by a delicate necklace and hairpiece.

If you're looking for an all-in-one venue for an intimate wedding, Vessel Gallery fits the bill. The upper gallery works converts seamlessly from ceremony to reception space, as long as you hire a team that is able to turn the room around during cocktail hour.  Not to mention that very little extra decoration beyond a few floral table centerpieces is needed, since it's an art gallery!